Ascent Students

6th Grade – 12th Grade

Ascent Students is the Middle School and High School community of our church. We exist to encourage, equip, and empower students to find their identity in Christ and make an impact on their world. We do this through games, teaching, small groups, and intentional relationships with students and their families.

This is a night your students won’t want to miss. Each night ends with a grade based small-group time led by a trained, background-checked leader.

We meet on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm at 2961 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Summer Camp

We’re so excited to be heading to Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA on July 14-18 for Summer Camp! This is a four night, five day event packed with team competitions, outdoor activities, and crazy amounts of fun! And most importantly, a great opportunity to build deeper relationships with each other and grow closer to God!

Is your child interested in joining us for Summer Camp?

Click here to register now!

Parent Resources

We are passionate about coming alongside parents and equipping them with tools to help their family navigate the Middle and High School years. One way we do this is by partnering with Axis which is an incredible resource to help guide faith-filled conversations about heavy/difficult topics.

Click here to create your free account with Axis

Follow us on Instagram to connect and stay up to date: @ascentstudentsva

Sundays at 8:30am, 9:45am, 11:00am, and 12:15pm
2961 Shore Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23451
© 2025 Ascent Church. All rights reserved.